Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Dear Friends,

The Samoa Embassy participated in last year’s Asia Pacific Ladies Friendship Society fundraising activities which included an annual bazaar and golf tournament. All proceeds were shared amongst Asia-Pacific Embassies to donate to charitable work within their respective countries. The funds were distributed to entities and organisations that support the welfare of women and children.

We are delighted to say that this will be the tenth donation from ALFS that has assisted community projects in Samoa since the Embassy became an ALFS member in 2010. Previous projects achieved with your support included public awareness campaigns for cancer, purchasing sewing machines to help provide income generation for women in the village, purchasing water tanks to assist a village with irregular water supply, procurement of machinery parts for the production of virgin coconut oil and fetau oil, scholarships for ten students, renovating a community centre, construction of a catchment pool to collect spring water for a village and provided stationery, tables and chairs, computers, teacher resource material for a primary school that suffered extensive damage from a cyclone and flood.

Making a positive difference in local communities and families is very important to us, particularly for women and children. It is why we look forward to continue working with ALFS to raise funds and awareness for grassroots-level projects.

In saying this, we seek your kind assistance in this year’s bazaar. We are selling raffle tickets at 500 yen per ticket, and door tickets at 2,000 yen per ticket. The proceeds from these sales contribute to the bulk of the money raised during the event. Embassies in Japan are required to sell at least 200 raffle tickets and 100 door tickets, as well as sell country products in their respective booths. Deadline of the purchase of the tickets is 31st March 2020. The details of the actual charity event are as follows:

Bazaar date: Thursday, 9th April, 2020                     

Time: 11:00am to 3:00pm

Venue: ANA Intercontinental Hotel, B1F, Prominence & Galaxy Halls

There is a wonderful line-up of prizes to be won from the raffle including round-trip airline tickets to Asia-Pacific destinations as well as artefacts and cultural items from the region as per attachment.

Your kind assistance in making a purchase or sharing this information with your contacts would be greatly appreciated.

To buy a ticket or get more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Justin Lima or Ms. Iyo Matsumoto by email or phone. Thank you very much.


Telephone: 03-6228-3692



今年もサモア独立国大使館からは昨年大好評だったエベニ パシフィックのサモアンシャツ、ドレスやサモア産ノニジュースやココナツを使用した、オーガニックソープ、ローション、ボディオイル、サモアデザインのスカーフなど販売致します。また、抽選会では、航空券、着物、陶芸品など豪華賞品が当たります!皆様お誘い合わせの上、是非ご参加をお待ちしております。   

日時:2020年4月9日 (木) 11:00-15:00

場所:ANA インターコンチネンタル東京 地下1階大宴会場 


入場券(抽選券付):2,000円  (寄付)


ラッフル券 (抽選券):500円 (寄付)




サモア独立国大使館  松本 もしくは 坂巻 までお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい      。

電話番号:03-6228-3692 ファックス:03-6228-3693

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